Overview of the Foundation
The One Health Research Foundation, established in 2017, is based in Miramar, Florida with a Caribbean office at Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine in St. Kitts and Nevis. The Foundation was organized for charitable research and training purposes. Its charitable activities will be both in the United States and abroad, with special focus on the Caribbean.
One Health Research Foundation is a 501(c) (3) public charity organization comprised of a Board of Directors which meets at least twice a year to review and set policies, procedures, and budgets and to oversee the grant making process. All program funding and philanthropic resources come from grants, gifts and contributions from publicly supported organizations, governmental units, and general public.
The Foundation will support RUSVM and partner institutes’ Faculty and OHRF Research Fellows and Scientists to secure externally funded research grants as well as providing grants to fulfil its mission based on donations. The Foundation utilizes RUSVM’s Institutional Review Board and Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee and its own Scientific Advisory Board for ethical and scientific review of proposals considered for support. RUSVM contributes an office on its campus to the Foundation and donates time of its faculty and staff who serve as the Foundation’s officers.

Our Mission
The mission of the One Health Research Foundation is to improve human, animal and environmental health in the Caribbean and other tropical areas of the world through support of integrative, multidisciplinary research and innovation.
Our Vision
The One Health Research Foundation is recognized as a premier charitable organization that helps promote and advance a One Health, transdisciplinary approach to address societal needs.
Every donation helps us equip our students and community with the resources and tools they need to promote the One Health approach.